2011 Phd and Postdoctoral Positions in Architecture and Fine Art, Norwegian University of Science Technology, Norway | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

2011 Phd and Postdoctoral Positions in Architecture and Fine Art, Norwegian University of Science Technology, Norway

The faculty of Architecture and Fine Art, NTNU, announces six Ph.d.- and one post doctor positions.As Norway’s primary university for the study of science, engineering and technology, and with equally strong arts and humanities programmes, NTNU is eager to welcome international PhD candidates to our research community. The university offers degrees in a range of doctoral programmes.

A master’s degree or similar qualifications enables you to apply for a PhD programme in a field related to your degree. The university typically allows 3 years for the completion of a PhD, but the position can be extended to 4 years, including a 25 percent work requirement that’s often fulfilled by teaching.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 11 April 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

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