In this work, adaptive memory systems and in particular on-chip memory hierarchies, will be designed and evaluated in the context of multicore processors. The memory system will adapt, i.e., dynamically reconfigure, in response to the behavior of a multithreaded or multiprogram workload.The candidate should have a Master of Science in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or equivalent, in a field which is relevant for the work. It is helpful to have a good background in some of the fields: computer architecture, VLSI, digital electronics, as well as to be proficient in implementing non-trivial algorithms. The position is for a maximum of five years and includes departmental duties at a level of at most 20% (typically teaching).
The department is striving to achieve a more equal gender balance and female candidates are particularly invited to apply.There are university guidelines regarding salary level.
Scholarship Application Deadline:12 April, 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application
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