In classical hydrodynamics a non slip boundary condition at the solid – liquid interface is generally assumed for flowing media. With increasing sensitivity of experimental techniques, like e.g. the surface force apparatus (SFA), this assumption was challenged and surface slip was experimentally established in many liquids. However, the microscopic origin of wall slip is not understood and under heavy debate. The project aims to proceed towards an understanding of wall slip on the atomic length scale by combining laboratory techniques with scattering experiments at international facilities. This quest is driven both by a fundamental interest and a large potential for applications.
The successful Ph.D. applicants will explore complex liquids at functionalized surfaces. The work involves sample production using modern coating techniques as well as advanced physical characterization using e.g. AFM, rheology, contact angle as well as x-ray and neutrons scattering.
Scholarship Application Deadline: 31 March 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application
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