The Department of Applied Physics at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) has a scientific and technical staff of about 90 and 60 people, respectively, as well as 110 graduate and 375 undergraduate students. The research in the group Mesoscopic Transport Phenomena focuses on fluid dynamics at length scales ranging from 10 nm to 1 mm. It comprises both fundamental and application-inspired topics ranging from fluid physics at nano-scales to manufacturing processes of optoelectronic devices. Current and commencing projects concern dip- and die-coating of chemically patterned substrates, flows driven by temperature and concentration gradients, flows dominated by van der Waals forces as well as flows involving phase changes.
The OIO position is financed by FOM for a period of four years. We are searching for an excellent candidate with a master of science in experimental (applied) physics. A background related to condensed matter physics, nanomagnetism, spintronics, and/or scanning tunneling microscopy will be appreciated.
Appointment and salary
We offer:
* A challenging job in a young, ambitious research team
* A highly dynamical, international, and multidisciplinary research environment
* A full-time appointment for four years (start date as soon as possible)
* Gross monthly salary from €2042 (first year) to €2612 (fourth year) in line with the Collective Agreement for Dutch Universities
* An attractive package of fringe benefits, including end-of-year allowance, a personal development program for Ph.D students (Proof program), and excellent sport facilities
Scholarship Application Deadline: 31/01/2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application
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