anisotropy | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

Fully Funded PhD Positions in Synthetic Biology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

The following PhD position is available.
Detection of protein dynamics using single molecule fluorescence confocal microscopy.

The ability to detect the fluorescence of a single fluorophore has led to great advances in understanding of heterogeneity and dynamics at the nanoscale level in life and material sciences. The specific emission properties of fluorophores like its intensity, decay time, emission wavelength (spectrum) and anisotropy can be used to probe changes in the fluorophores surrounding. For example, fluorescence decay time changes can be used as a powerful tool to monitor quenching and energy transfer processes. A confocal microscope setup will be developed with multiple avalanche photodiodes and a spectrometer (polychromator/CCD camera) that can be used to monitor changes in multiple parameters of the single fluorophore´s emission at the same time, providing a wealth of information. In order to extract as much information as possible, it is important to choose fluorophores with a high absorption coefficient, high fluorescence, low triplet, and low photobleaching quantum yield. For this, organic fluorophores (with and without the presence of photostability enhancing additives, like e.g. ROXS) will be tested and compared with a new class of silver cluster based emitters, attached to proteins in order to determine their photo stability performance. As a test case we will investigate the conformational changes that occur during binding and transport of substrate within the neurotransmitter transporter homologue, LeuT.

A MSc or equivalent degree in a field relevant to the research project and good English skills are required.

Scholarship Application Deadline:1st of April 2011, 12 noon

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Postdoctoral for project MANTLE RHEOLOGY, France: Micromechanical modeling

The post-doc will be involved in the micromechanical modeling at the polycrystal scale. The aim is to integrate into the polycrystal model slip-system resistances inferred from experimental data, ab initio calculations, and Dislocation Dynamics (DDD). The used polycrystal model will be based on mean-field homogenization methods (self-consistent scheme associated with the “Second-Order” linearization procedure of Ponte Castañeda), although numerical computations from full-field methods could be also performed if necessary. Micromechanical modeling of such material is a challenging task since all mineral phases comprising the upper mantle exhibit an extreme viscoplastic anisotropy at the grain scale, with three or less known independent slip systems. There are many effects to be investigated, important for
both geophysical and material sciences issues, e.g.: strain partition and texture development in multiphase minerals, the rheology of partially melted polycrystals, the introduction of diffusion based mechanisms (such as dislocation climb), etc.
Fellowship Application Deadline: January 2011
Further Fellowship Information and Application