chemical engineering | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans - Part 3

PhD Studentship in Advanced Magnetic Resonance Techniques for Food foam Research, UK

Due to funding regulations, this studentship is only available to UK and EU nationals.
Applications are invited for the above PhD studentship at the University of Cambridge in the Magnetic Resonance Research Centre of the Department of Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology. The centre is world renowned, focussing on the application of quantitative magnetic resonance methods and their application to problems encountered in process engineering research. The studentship is fully funded by Nestle Research Centre, Lausanne, Switzerland. The project will focus on the understanding of the physical properties of foams in terms of their stability and production. Foams are ubiquitous in food and impact many factors that are important to the consumer such as taste and texture. The project is aimed at increasing fundamental and practical knowledge to increase our ability to develop new foam food products.
This project will involve the development and implementation of advanced quantitative magnetic resonance techniques, such as fast pulsed field gradient magnetic resonance spectroscopy, multi-dimensional relaxation exchange spectroscopy and micro-fluidic micro-imaging, to gain new insights into the physics behind the ‘micro-fluidic’ generation of food foams and emulsions. In addition the successful candidate will also undertake research into the subsequent stability and ageing process of the foam/emulsion in terms of size and drainage and explore the possibilities of incorporating the new techniques, developed within the research project, into “low-field” online magnetic resonance measurements on the factory production floor. The project will involve regular travel to the research centre in Lausanne and continuous consultation with Nestle’s industrial process engineers and scientists.
The successful candidate should have a strong physics/mathematical background (preferably holding, or expecting to gain, a first class or upper 2:1 (honours) masters degree in chemical engineering, mechanical engineering or physics) and should be able to demonstrate a high level of practical and communication skills.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 1 June 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

PhD Studentship in Food Technology, Sweden

Emulsifying substances act by contributing to the disruption of the droplets and by protecting the formed droplets from coalescing. To enable these actions the emulsifiers need to adsorb rapidly at the surfaces and form a protective layer. Starch nanocrystals of specific sizes and hydrophobicity will be designed and used as colloidal particles to generate and stabilise Pickering type emulsions. The aim is then to understand their function depending on size, shape, and hydrophobicity in relationship to the interface they are adsorbing to. The use of starch nanocrystals as emulsion stabilisers is novel, and finds practical use not only in pharmaceutical and food applications, but also in the paper industry. Furthermore, the almost irreversible adsorption of colloidal particles creates very stable emulsions in contrast to surfactant molecules.

Eligibility/Entry Requirements

The general eligibility requirement for doctoral studies is a university degree of at least 240 ECTS credits, including at least 60 credits at an advanced level. Furthermore you need a valid university degree at advanced level (MSc) within a relevant study program.

To be qualifield for researach education (PhD education) in Food Technology the candidate needs to have a Master of Science in Engineering, specialisation in Biotechnology, Chemical engineering or Ecological enigneering or Master of Science in Chemistry or other discipline relevant to the field of the degree project or other equivalent degree

Scholarship Application Deadline: 2011-03-15

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Postdoctoral Position in Fuel Cell Research, Masdar Institute of Science & Technology, Abu Dhabi

We are seeking a post-doctoral research associate in the area of computational/experimental thermal sciences. The project aims at investigating water and thermal management of PEM fuel cells under transient conditions. Candidates with Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering or a related field and research experience in CFD methods are encouraged to apply. Experience in fuel cell modeling is desirable. The position provides excellent opportunity of international collaboration (particularly with MIT) and excellent compensation package (salary range: US$ 60,000 – 70,000 per year).

About Masdar Institute:Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, located in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E., is a private, not-for-profit, independent, graduate-level, research-driven institute developed with the support and cooperation of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The goal of the Institute is to develop, over a period of years, indigenous R&D capacity in Abu Dhabi, addressing issues of importance to the region in critical areas such as: renewable energy, sustainability, environment, water resources and microelectronics. The Institute offers graduate degree programs (MSc & PhD) in science and engineering disciplines with a focus on advanced energy and sustainable technologies

How to apply: Please send your application with a detailed resume and a list of 3 references to Professor Tariq Shamim, Mechanical Engineering, Masdar Institute of Science & Technology, P.O. Box 54224, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Phone: +971(2) 810-9158. Electronic submission of application is greatly preferred. Email:

Fellowship Application Deadline: Contact Employer

Further Fellowship Information and Application