CSC is one of Sweden’s most advanced and successful research and education institutions in Information Technology situated at KTH and Stockholm University. The activities of the school focus on higher education and research within the traditional core areas of numerical analysis and computer science; from theory building and analysis of mathematical models to algorithm construction, implementation and simulation. Other core areas of growing importance are technology and methods for the support of human communication and computer mediated cooperation over distances in time and space. The applied research includes scientific computing, computer science, computer vision, robotics, neuroinformatics and neural networks, human-computer interaction, media technology and graphic arts, and communication through speech, language and music.
The successful candidate will join a team of researchers developing the PDC Parallel Environment, a programming and runtime environment for highly parallel applications that features adaptive runtime scheduling, online performance monitoring, and an expert system to analyze performance data. Within this framework several projects can be defined based on the background and interest of the candidate. Examples include programming models and languages for exascale, compiler extensions, operating systems, expert systems, programming of GPUs etc. The successful candidate is also expected to take leading positions in international projects (e.g. WP leadership in potential EC projects) and actively seek national and international project funding.
Scholarship Application Deadline:March 30, 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application