The International Masters Program (Master of Science, M.Sc.) in Geospatial Technologies is a cooperation of: * Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU), Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi), Münster, Germany. * Universitat Jaume I (UJI), Castellón, Dept. Lenguajes y Sistemas Informaticos (LSI), Castellón, Spain. * Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação (ISEGI), Lisboa, Portugal, * selected within the Erasmus Mundus Programme, project reference: 2007-0064/001 FRAME MUNB123.
Medium of instruction: English
Awarded joint degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Geospatial Technologies
The three-semester Masters program targets holders of Bachelor degrees in application areas of Geographic Information (GI), e.g., environmental planning, regional planning, geography, logistics, transportation, marketing, energy provision, computer science. GI is a rapidly growing market, lacking qualified GI personnel and offering excellent career chances. Therefore, the Masters Program targets life-long learning for graduates and professionals in the fields of geography, surveying, planning, local adminstration, etc., who are willing to acquire additional GI skills for applying them in their respective GI application area.
Scholarship Application Deadline: January 15, 2011