geochemistry | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

PhD Scholarship in GeoBiosphere Science, Sweden

We have an opening for a Phd scholarship for a highly motivated person to join our research on a high-grade metamorphic section of the Sveconorwegian orogen. It is the Scandinavian equivalent to the Grenville orogen, and the result of collision tectonics at around 1 Ga ago during the assembly of supercontinent Rodinia. The project area in SW Sweden exposes a window into one of the deepest buried and most ductile parts of this mountain chain. The high-grade deformational and metamorphic processes are considered to be of major importance in the evolution and structural build-up of the orogen.

The PhD project focusses on mineral geochemistry and geochronology and is entitled “The effects of metamorphic processes on zircon textures and chemistry in metabasic rocks – implications for the interpretation of continental crust evolution.”

Eligibility/Entry Requirements

The applicant must hold a university degree (MSc/BSc or equivalent) in Earth Sciences at the time of appointment. A strong background in petrology is expected. Fluent spoken and written English is required. The scholarship requires ability to do fieldwork in a boreal landscape. Ability and willingness to travel to conferences, fieldtrips and workshops and analytical work (mainly Sweden and Canada) is essential; so is participation as a teaching assistant in the Geology Programme at Lund University.

Scholarhip Application Deadline:31 March 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

2011 PhD Researcher in Faculty of Geosciences at Utrecht University, Netherlands

The Faculty of Geosciences offers education and research concerning the geosphere, biosphere, atmosphere and anthroposphere. With a population of 2600 students (BSc and MSc) and 575 staff, the faculty is a strong and challenging organisation. The Faculty is organised in four Departments: Innovation and Environmental Sciences, Earth Sciences, Physical Geography, and Human Geography and Urban and Regional Planning.

The ideal candidate holds a MSc (or equivalent) degree in a relevant field (e.g. earth sciences, environmental sciences, ecology) with experience (or at least interest) in modelling and/or (organic) geochemistry. The candidate is expected to communicate easily in English, both verbally and in writing.We offer a fulltime PhD position for 4 years. The salary starts at € 2,042,- and increases to € 2,612,- gross per month in the fourth year of the appointment and is based on the Collective Labour Agreement of the Dutch Universities. Secondary benefits include e.g. a pension scheme, flexible employment conditions, a holiday bonus (8,0%) and an end-of-year bonus (8,3%). Experimental work will be conducted in the research group of Organic Geochemistry and modeling work in the research group of Environmental Sciences.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 1 April 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

PhD in Petrology at the Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden

Katla is one of the most active and hazardous volcanoes in Iceland and the whole of northern Europe. In order to assess the volcanic hazard of a potential eruption of Katla Volcano for Scandinavia, the evolution and structure of the magma plumbing system beneath the volcano needs to be characterised. For this purpose, petrological and geochemical analyses of samples of the recent and historic eruptive activity will be carried out. These will include in-situ measurements of mineral chemistry as a base for thermobarometric modelling to resolve depths of magma storage. Additionally, isotope geochemistry will be used to ascertain the role of magmatic processes such as differentiation, mixing and magma-crust interaction. The two approaches will be combined to investigate the evolution and architecture of the magmatic plumbing system.

Requirements. We seek a highly motivated candidate with an MSc or equivalent degree in Earth Sciences and interest in interdisciplinary collaboration. Special attention will be given to candidates who have a background in igneous petrology, in-situ mineral analysis, thermobarometry and/or isotope geochemistry. Candidates are expected to be able to communicate easily in oral and written English.

Scholarship Application Deadline:15 April, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application