international political economy | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

PhD Call for Applications at Luiss University in Rome, Italy: Philosophy,political theory, law and politics and economics

Eight positions are available this year, four of which are funded by a three-year scholarship of 11,000 euros per year.

The Doctoral Program in Political Theory is interdisciplinary, and covers four main areas of study: philosophy (ethics and applied philosophy, political and social philosophy, and issues in contemporary philosophy), political theory (ethics of international relations and human rights theories), law (international law, humanitarian law, and international criminal law), and politics and economics (international political economy, development policies, sustainability theories, international relations, and theories of globalization). Approximately twenty faculty members, including both Italian professors and foreign visiting professors, currently teach on the program, and there are more than thirty doctoral students, half of which are foreign. The program thus has a strongly international character.

Applicants are generally expected to have majored in an area of the social sciences, humanities, or philosophy, although those with degrees in other disciplines may also be considered on the basis of their curricula vitae and research proposals. Successful applicants will begin the program in the Fall semester of 2011, by following three semesters of taught courses. Each semester lasts approximately three months, and students will have approximately 6-10 hours of classes per week during these three semesters. All courses are taught in English.

Scholarship Application Deadline:
May 30, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Lee Foundation RSIS Scholarship for National and International Applicants, Singapore

The Lee Foundation RSIS Scholarships are open to Singaporean, Singapore Permanent Residents and international candidates to pursue a full-time Master of Science programme at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University.
Each scholarship is tenable for one year only for full-time MSc (Asian Studies), MSc (International Political Economy), MSc (International Relations) and MSc (Strategic Studies) programmes. Successful candidates are expected to complete their studies within the tenable period. There is no employment bond attached to the scholarship.
Each scholarship shall cover the following:
A monthly stipend;
A book allowance (one-time payment only);
Thesis allowance (one-time payment only at the end of the programme);
A return air-ticket (economy class) from home country to Singapore (if applicable);
Tuition and other compulsory fees (as specified by NTU).

Scholarship Application Deadline: 28 February 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Singapore Technologies Engineering Scholarships at The S. Rajaratnam School Of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University

RSISĀ  Invites Applications For The Singapore Technologies Engineering Scholarships. The Singapore Technologies Engineering Scholarship Is Open To Singaporeans, Singapore Permanent Residents And International Candidates To Pursue The Full-Time Masters Programme At RSIS. Each Scholarship Is Tenable For One Year Only For Full-Time Msc (Asian Studies), Msc (International Political Economy), Msc (International Relations) And Msc (Strategic Studies) Programmes. Successful Candidates Are Expected To Complete Their Studies Within The Tenable Period. There Is No Employment Bond Attached To The Scholarship.
Scholarship Application Deadlin: 28 Feb 2011

Further Scholarship Information And Application