medical college | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

MIGA Doctors in Training Grants Program 2011-2012, Australia: Medicine

This Program is announced for assist doctors in training whilst pursuing specialist training opportunities in Australia and abroad.Funds are provided to assist doctors meet the expenses associated with this additional training.
The Program is open to doctors in Australia who are insured with MIGA at the time of Application and funding of the Grant.. Enrolled in and undertaking an accredited training program with an Australian Medical College or Society, or who have completed their College or Society training program within the last two years. Seeking to undertake a Training Program or Placement that is beyond the training prescribed through their College or Society.
The Grants consist of four individual DIT Grants of $5,000 per recipient, to assist in funding their training opportunity which can include travel, accommodation, Program fees, etc.Grants will be judged on merit and awarded to Applicants deemed as submitting the most outstanding Applications.Whether all four Grants are awarded or not will be subject to MIGA receiving suitable Applications which meet MIGA’s selection criteria.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 28 October 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application