national foundation | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarships by Zonta International, USA: Business Management

Established in 1998 from a generous bequest by Jane M. Klausman, a member of the Zonta Club of Syracuse, New York USA, and the 1990-1995 Zonta International Parliamentarian, the Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship is awarded annually to women pursuing undergraduate or Master’s degrees in business management.The program operates at the Zonta club, district and international levels. Zonta clubs provide awards for club recipients. Zonta International awards scholarships of US$1,000 each at the district level and twelve international scholarships in the amount of US$5,000 each. The Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarships are awarded annually and may be used for tuition, books or living expenses at any university, college or institution offering accredited business courses and degrees.

Women pursuing a business or business-related degree who demonstrate outstanding potential in the field are eligible. Online students are also eligible. Members and employees of Zonta International or the Zonta International Foundation are not eligible to apply for the Scholarships.

Scholarship Application Deadline:1 July 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Call for Proposals-Bilateral Research Cooperation with Vietnam (NAFOSTED) 2011, Netherlands

The FWO is very keen to promote international collaborations as a driving force for excellence. As part of the funding for bilateral research collaborations, the FWO concludes a bilateral agreement with a number of countries for the funding of joint research projects. These projects go one step further than the traditional exchange projects, because personnel can also be financed. One of the five countries selected is Vietnam. An agreement has been signed with the research fund NAFOSTED (National Foundation for Science and Technology) for the funding of new research projects.

Researchers can submit an application for a joint research project with a duration of 2 years. On Flemish side, the indicative budget per project and per year is about 70.000 EURO, which corresponds to the average size of a normal FWO research project. There is a total amount of 300.000 EURO available per year – the number of fundable projects is therefore about 4. NAFOSTED (Vietnam) has 350.000 EURO a year at its disposal for this collaboration, and aims at projects with an average size of 75.000 EURO.The exact dates for each call are decided on in consultation with the foreign partner and may vary. The forms are available online and should be sent by e-mail before the proposed deadline. An application must be submitted simultaneously to NAFOSTED in order to be admissible.

Scholarship Application Deadline:April 1, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Call for Proposals-Bilateral Research Cooperation with Vietnam (NAFOSTED) 2011, Netherlands

The FWO is very keen to promote international collaborations as a driving force for excellence. As part of the funding for bilateral research collaborations, the FWO concludes a bilateral agreement with a number of countries for the funding of joint research projects. These projects go one step further than the traditional exchange projects, because personnel can also be financed. One of the five countries selected is Vietnam. An agreement has been signed with the research fund NAFOSTED (National Foundation for Science and Technology) for the funding of new research projects.

Researchers can submit an application for a joint research project with a duration of 2 years. On Flemish side, the indicative budget per project and per year is about 70.000 EURO, which corresponds to the average size of a normal FWO research project. There is a total amount of 300.000 EURO available per year – the number of fundable projects is therefore about 4. NAFOSTED (Vietnam) has 350.000 EURO a year at its disposal for this collaboration, and aims at projects with an average size of 75.000 EURO.The exact dates for each call are decided on in consultation with the foreign partner and may vary. The forms are available online and should be sent by e-mail before the proposed deadline. An application must be submitted simultaneously to NAFOSTED in order to be admissible.

Scholarship Application Deadline:April 1, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application