poznan university | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

PhD Studentship at Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, Poznan University of Technology, Poznan

Key responsibilities include:
1. preparation of multiferroics by innovative methods
2. preparation of magneto-electric composites
3. characteristics of physical properties of obtained materials

Profile of candidates:
1. MSc degree in materials science, physics or chemistry or related fields
2. the interest in scientific research
3. good English skills
4. good studies record

Scholarship Application Deadline:25.06.2011

Further Scholarship Informatio and Application

PhD Studentship at Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, Poznan University of Technology, Poznan: Multiferroic nanopowders and nanocomposites obtained by innovative methods

:Key responsibilities include:
1. preparation of multiferroics by innovative methods
2. preparation of magneto-electric composites
3. characteristics of physical properties of obtained materials

Profile of candidates:
1. MSc degree in materials science, physics or chemistry or related fields
2. the interest in scientific research
3. good English skills
4. good studies record

Scholarship Application Deadline:25.06.2011

Further Scholarship Informatio and Application