resources research | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

2011 University of Southern Denmark offering PhD Fellowship in the Faculty of Engineering

The Institute of Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology and Environmental Technology, Faculty of Engineering, University of Southern Denmark is seeking a highly motivated graduate for a PhD. fellowship within the topic of identifying and recovering critical resources in future waste flows.The PhD fellow will work in the interdisciplinary research field of Environmental engineering, Life Cycle Assessment, product design and resource management.

The fellowship is funded by and part of the large research program called TOPWASTE, financed by the Danish Council for Strategic Research, see the description of the program below, called TOPWASTE. This fellowship is part of Work Package 2 of this program. Further, the fellowship will be established within the research training program ‘Energy and Environmentally Efficient Technologies’ at the Faculty of Engineering at University of Southern Denmark, see link below, called EMT. Finally, the fellowship will be enrolled in the ph.d. research school called 3R, Residual Resources Research, see link below, called 3R. These multiple affiliations and networks of research will ensure a high degree of national and international co-operation with other researchers in the field.

Scholarship Application Deadline:1 August, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application