On the occasion of the celebration of the 200 year anniversary of Søren Kierkegaard, one PhD scholarship is available from 1 September 2011 at The Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre, Faculty of Theology, including enrollment at the University as a PhD student, and 1 “free place”. Subject to the necessary funding, The Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre at the Faculty of Theology hereby gives notice of one PhD scholarship available at the University of Copenhagen. The scholarship is for a period of three years and due to start 1 September 2011 ending 31 August 2014. In addition a “free place”, which includes enrolment and the expenses involved in studying for a PhD, but does not include a salary, is available.
Applications are invited for research in all fields and subjects of Søren Kierkegaard studies. The grant of a scholarship carries with it enrollment as a PhD student in the research school at the Faculty of Theology. Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre is an interdisciplinary institution and therefore welcomes applications from all Faculties. Applicants must hold a Master’s degree or similar qualification. The Centre will give priority to applicants who have demonstrated special aptitude for scholarly work, usually in a thesis, an award-winning dissertation or publications.Applications will be reviewed by a panel of experts. Applicants will be informed of the composition of the panel. Applications will be judged on the basis of both the quality and relevance of the project, and the applicant’s documented qualifications and ability to complete the PhD program within the time prescribed. Each applicant will receive the part of the evaluation that concerns him or her.
Four copies of the application and all supplementary documents are required, though only one copy of the thesis is necessary. The Faculty of Theology reserves the right to disregard incomplete applications.
Scholarship Application Deadline: 5 May 2011