A postdoctoral position is available to join a multi-disciplinary team from 5 UK institutions working on a £1.85M research project (Air pollution and weather-related health impacts: methodological study based on spatio-temporally disaggregated multi-pollutant models for present-day and future) funded by the NERC Environmental Exposure and Health Initiative.The project is part of a multi-institution consortium funded through the NERC Environmental Exposure and Health Initiative. The successful applicant will undertake research on the spatial and temporal variability in boundary layer atmospheric composition and the application of such data in evaluation of output from the EMEP4UK atmospheric chemistry transport model.
Salary will be on the UE07 (£29,853 – £35,646, p.a.) scale. Salary is paid monthly by direct transfer to your Bank or Building Society account, normally on the 28th of the month.
Scholarship Application Deadline:23-Feb-2011