Grant | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans - Part 3

ACRL 2011 National Conference Travel Grants for Spectrum Scholars, USA

The ACRL 2011 National Conference will be held in historic Philadelphia, March 30 – April 2, 2011. The ACRL National Travel Grants provide opportunities for Spectrum Scholars to participate in ACRL professional development activities at the conference, to expand their network of colleagues, and to have face-to-face time to build new, or strengthen existing, relationships with mentors participating in the ACRL E.J. Josey Mentoring Program for Spectrum Scholars.


Five (5) awards consisting of complimentary advanced early bird registration (a value of $95-$375) and $600 cash for travel expenses. The application deadline is November 9, 2010 (11:59 p.m. Central Time).

Eligibility Criteria

* Must be current or past recipient of an ALA Spectrum Scholarship and a first-time attendee at an ACRL National Conference.
* Must be current ACRL student or personal member.
* Previous recipients are not eligible.
* Incomplete submissions will not be considered.

Application Process

1. Spectrum Scholars should request an ACRL Travel Grant Application by emailing
2. All applicants must be current, personal members of ACRL at the time of application and must be recipients of the ALA Spectrum Scholarship.
3. A completed ACRL Travel Grant Application includes an application sheet with personal statements, current resume/curriculum vitae, and a Statement of Support. The Statement of Support should be from a supervisor or an LIS professor/dean comment and should address the applicant’s qualifications and how attendance at the ACRL 2011 National Conference will benefit them professionally and/or personally. The application and cv must be sent electronically as one document (one attachment) and directed to and Statements of Support can be included in the applicant’s single attachment or submitted separately; they should also be sent to and
4. Applicants should not register for the ACRL 15th National Conference until notified of their status to avoid the need for refunds. The discounted early-bird registration rate will be extended for all scholarship applicants until February 25, 2011 for those that may not receive a scholarship, but still want to attend.

Deadline for Submission

The deadline for receipt of the application and statement of support is November 9, 2010 (11:59 p.m. Central Time).

Selection Criteria

The ACRL E.J. Josey Mentoring Program for Spectrum Scholars Committee will select the recipients.
# Recipients will be selected based on their commitment to academic librarianship, their desired learning outcomes for attending the conference, their financial and professional development needs as evidenced from their responses to open-ended questions on the application form.
# The strength of their supporting statement from a supervisor or LIS professor/dean.
# Preference may be given to Spectrum Scholars who have applied for an academic librarianship mentor through the ACRL E.J. Josey Mentoring Program for Spectrum Scholars.

2011 Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, USA

his award fosters research in academic librarianship by encouraging and assisting doctoral students in the field with their dissertation research.


TBD – 2011 award currently on hold.


The recipient of the fellowship must meet the following qualifications:

* Be an active doctoral student enrolled in an accredited degree-granting institution
* Be engaged in researching a topic related to academic librarianship
* Have completed all coursework
* Have had a dissertation proposal accepted by the institution
* A recipient of the fellowship may not receive it a second time.
* Applicant need not be an ACRL member


Proposals will be judged primarily on merit with emphasis on the following:

* Potential significance of the research to the field of academic librarianship. (No attempt will be made to define academic librarianship, but the subject should be consistent with topics usually published in College & Research Libraries or key refereed library and information science research journals or presented at ACRL meetings.)
* Validity of the methodology and proposed methods of analysis
* Originality and creativity
* Clarity and completeness of the proposal
* Presentation of a convincing plan for completion in a reasonable amount of time
* Evidence of a continuing interest in scholarship such as a previous publication record

Awardee Obligation

Recipients of the fellowship are required to submit a 6-10 page report of the results of their research to the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) within two months of the project’s completion. A 500-word summary for possible publication in C&RL News is also due at that time.


Qualified students who wish to be considered for the fellowship may apply by e-mailing a brief (ten pages or less double-spaced) proposal that includes the following:

* Description of the research, including significance and methodology
* Schedule for completion
* Budget and budget justification for items for which support is sought. (Must be items for which no other support is available. Examples of acceptable items are printing, computer time, fees to subjects, statistical consulting, photography, artwork, typing, and professional travel.)
* Name of dissertation advisor and committee members
* Letter from dissertation advisor endorsing the proposal
* Completed checklist confirming applicant eligibility

An up-to-date curriculum vitae should accompany the proposal. Because of limits imposed by timing considerations, applications may be made for research under way, e.g., a student who begins research in the fall may apply for support for expenses incurred from the fall until the time the award is made.

Electronic submissions are required. E-mail the application to Megan Griffin at If sending multiple files, each file name must contain the applicant’s name. Submissions will be acknowledged via e-mail.

If you have questions or need help compiling a nomination, contact Megan Griffin,

Submission Deadline: Open Until Filled

Hertz Graduate Fellowship Award 2011-2012

The annual competition for Graduate Fellowships begins with the application period which opens each year in August at which time a deadline consistent with those of NSF and other fellowship granting organizations will be posted. Only those applications which are complete, with all supporting materials and documents provided (including Reference Reports) by the posted deadline will be assured of full consideration by the Foundation. Untimely or incompletely-submitted applications will be entertained only at the Foundation’s discretion and convenience.

Each year’s competition concludes at the end of the following March, at which time the Foundation’s Board of Directors determines the most highly qualified Fellowship applicants and the number of new Fellowships which available resources will be able to support.
All Fellowship applicants are notified by mail of the Foundation’s action on their application on or before April 1 of each year.

The Graduate Fellowship Award is based on merit (not need) and consists of a cost-of-education allowance and a personal-support stipend.
The cost-of-education allowance is accepted by all of the tenable schools in lieu of all fees and tuition. Hertz Fellows therefore have no liability for any ordinary educational costs, regardless of their choice among tenable schools.

The Hertz Foundation Fellowship application will be available for the academic year 2011-2012 by August 16, 2010.

Deadline For Submission is October 29, 2010 – 11:59 pm, Pacific Time.