international agricultural research | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans - Part 2

The Norman E. Borlaug Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program (LEAP)

The Norman E. Borlaug Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program (Borlaug LEAP) is a fellowship program, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), to enhance the quality of thesis research of graduate students from developing countries who show strong promise as leaders in the field of agriculture and related disciplines as defined by Title XII. LEAP is part of the overall Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellows Program sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The Borlaug LEAP Fellowship supports engaging a mentor at a Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) system center to support and enhance the thesis research and mentoring experience. Awards are made on a competitive basis to students who show strong scientific and leadership potential, have a well coordinated proposal between their home university, a US university mentor, and the CGIAR mentor, and whose research is related to a strong research and support project within the host country. Emphasis is placed on work that has relevance to the national development of the student’s home country.

Currently there are two limited release Request for Applications (RFAs):

1. Applications are requested for sub-Saharan African students conducting research on topics related to USAID’s Feed the Future: Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative. The focus region is sub-Saharan Africa. All topics related to agriculture (as defined by Title XII) and food security are admissible.
2. Applications are requested for developing country students conducting research in partnership with CRSPs (Collaborative Research Support Programs). The focus region is global. All topics related to agriculture (as defined by Title XII) and CRSP priorities are admissible.

Scholarship Application Deadline: May 18, 2011.

Further Scholarship Information and Application

2011 Global Rice Science Scholarships: Agronomy, Crop physiology, Entomology, Plant pathology, Soil and water science, Plant breeding, Social sciences

The Global Rice Science Partnership (GRiSP) is a single strategic goal and work plan for global rice research.GRiSP streamlines current research for development activities of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). GRISP aligns these initiatives with numerous partners and adds new research activities to which science can make significant contributions.

This partnership also builds the capacity of the next generation of rice scientists. Partners are advanced research institutions and universities; national research, education, and extension systems; international and regional fora and development organizations; CGIAR centers; emerging national research systems; the private sector; and civil society organizations.

Research areas: rice science and related systems research
Crop physiology
Plant pathology
Soil and water science
Plant breeding
Social sciences

Types of scholarship
1. 3–4 years for a full Ph.D. program
2. Up to 3 years for a Ph.D. sandwich degree program

Scholarship benefits
* Round-trip airfare and related travel expenses
* Monthly stipend with local medical and accident insurance
* Research support
* Leadership and professional development funds
* University fees (with an upper limit)

Scholarship Application Deadline: 30 April 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

AWARD Fellowships for African Women in Agricultural Research and Development 2011 in Africa

AWARD is a professional development program that strengthens the research and leadership skills of African women in agricultural science, empowering them to contribute more effectively to poverty alleviation and food security in sub-Saharan Africa. AWARD is a project of the Gender & Diversity Program of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).
The AWARD Fellowship is a two-year program that offers a series of career-development resources that:
•establish a mentorship for each fellow with a senior scientist
•build science skills
•develop leadership capacity
AWARD’s training courses, held over a two-year period, take place in various locations in Africa.

Women agricultural scientists who are nationals of Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, or Zambia, who have completed a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree in the disciplines listed below, are eligible to apply. Applicants must be available in Africa throughout the fellowship period. There is no age restriction.
Applications received after the deadline and incomplete applications will NOT be accepted. Selected fellows will be notified in mid-July, 2011.

Scholarship Application Deadline: March 25, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application