public policy | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans - Part 3

PhD Fellowship in Society and Politics of Contemporary China, Leiden University, Netherlands

The Leiden Institute for Area Studies ( is committed to the integration of disciplinary and regional-historical perspectives. LIAS has as its aim the advancement of teaching and research of Area Studies at Leiden University and in the wider academic community. LIAS comprises the Schools of Asian Studies (SAS) and Middle Eastern Studies (SMES). Area specializations in SAS include Chinese, Japanese, Korean, South & Southeast Asian and Tibetan Studies. LIAS staff have disciplinary expertise across the humanities and the social sciences.

The Ph.D. fellows is expected to conduct research leading to a Ph.D. thesis under the supervision of Professor Pieke on a topic that includes, but is not limited to, administrative reform, public policy, state-society relations, international or domestic migration, ethnicity, gender, kinship, ritual, religion, life styles, social structure and social stratification, consumption and popular culture, poverty and poverty alleviation. The project will have to be firmly embedded in a relevant discipline in the social sciences or humanities, such as anthropology, political science, sociology, history or sinology. Research ought to have a strong fieldwork component and should include the use of modern spoken and written Chinese.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 1 April 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

2011 Young Women in Public Affairs Award by Zonta International in USA

Established in 1990 by Past International President Leneen Forde, the Young Women in Public Affairs Award honors young women in secondary level or pre-university schools, ages 16 to 19, who demonstrate a commitment to leadership in public policy, government and volunteer organizations. The program operates at the Zonta club, district and international levels. Zonta clubs provide awards for club recipients, and district and international awards are funded by the Zonta International Foundation. District recipients receive US$1,000, and five international recipients are selected from the district recipients to receive awards of US$3,000 each.
Women of any nationality, who are pre-university or pre-college students (ages 16-19) living or studying in a Zonta district/region at the time of application and demonstrate evidence of:

* Active commitment to volunteerism
* Experience in local or student government
* Volunteer leadership achievements
* Knowledge of Zonta International and its programs
* Advocating in Zonta International’s mission of advancing the status of women worldwide
The application must start with a Zonta club. All application materials must be received at a Zonta club by the printed deadline. Zonta clubs select one application to send to the Zonta governor.

Scholarship Application Deadline:1 July 2011.

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Chevening UCL Israel Alumni Association and Chaim Herzog Award in UK -2011: Public policy, governance and politics.

The University College London (UCL) Israel Alumni Association and the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) offer an annual award in memory of the late President Chaim Herzog. The award will enable the recipient to undertake a Masters Programme at UCL in September 2011. All applications will be considered, however priority is given to public policy, governance and politics.Competition for Chevening scholarships is intense. A typical successful applicant would be:

A graduate with proven academic skills. Committed to return to Israel and contribute to the socio-economic and/or political development through implementing new skills and knowledge acquired in the UK. Be able to show at interview that they possess the personal qualities to benefit from their scholarship and use it to succeed in their chosen career. Have a clear idea how their scholarship will benefit Israel on their return with the potential to rise to senior and influential positions in the public or private sectors. Have excellent English Language skills, that will meet the entry requirements for admission onto Postgraduate courses in the UK. Applicants should be Israeli nationals currently living in Israel. Preference is given to candidates who have a proven track record of success or excellence in their professional life, and who display intellectual ability and leadership potential. Preference will be given to applicants who have never studied in the UK. Preference is given to Masters candidates. PhD candidates will not be considered. We welcome applications for scholarships.

Scholarship Application Deadline:18 March 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application