Scholarship | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans - Part 2

Jane C. Waldbaum Field School Scholarships for Undergraduate Students, America

Undergraduates in their Junior and Senior years who are interested in participating in a field school (anywhere in the world) should consider applying for the AIA’s Jane C. Waldbaum Field School Fellowship. The fellowship provides $1000 toward field school costs for each of 7 winners.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 6 March 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Mathematics Training and Talent Search Programme (MTTS) 2011, India

During the “Discussion Meeting on Harmonic Analysis” held at I.I.Sc. Bangalore in 1992, a session was devoted to discuss the academic preparation of the students who come for Ph.D. programmes in Mathematics in various Universities and Institutions in the country. In order to improve the level of Ph.D. aspirants it was felt that a training programme should be started (starting at the B.Sc. level itself) which should expose bright young minds to the excitement of doing mathematics. The National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) was approached with the proposal and it agreed to fund the programme. The first programme was held in the summer of 1993. This programme has been on since 1993 with funds from NBHM. The programme was highly appreciated by the participants. We receive letters of appreciation from both teachers and the participants. The success of this programme depends mainly on a very small group of mathematicians committed to the improvement of the mathematical scene in our country and as such lacks man-power and infrastructure.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 26 February 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Small Business Innovation Research Initiative (SBIRI), India

The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) invites proposals from Indian Companies under the SBIRI Scheme for support of early stage, pre proof-of-concept research & development of research leads towards commercialization in all fields of biotechnology.
Unique Features of  SBIRI
? Assists small and medium business units including new enterprises with not more than 500 employees in R&D.
? Offers Phase I funding for early stage, pre proof-of-concept innovative research.
? Provides Phase II funding towards commercialization of research leads.

Who can apply?
Pharma, Biotech companies and any other enterprises focusing on scientific innovations

Can be submitted solely by an Indian Company/ies or jointly with public partner (Universities or National Institutes).
More than 51% of the shares of the Company are to be held by Indian Citizens.
Industry should have DSIR* recognized in-house R&D unit or have IP related to the proposed activity.
Joint ventures and limited partnerships would be eligible for SBIRI support where the entity created meets the above requirements.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 28th February, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application