undergraduate scholarship | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans - Part 3

DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship for Studying at German Universities

Each year, an independent selection committee of academics and international education experts is assembled to select the Undergraduate Scholarship grantees. This committee is looking for students who:

* are currently second and third year students and will be in their third and fourth year during their stay in Germany
* are seeking DAAD support for a 4-10 month period in Germany during the German academic year.
* possess outstanding academic records and personal integrity, as evinced by both their grades and letters of recommendation.
* are US or Canadian citizens or permanent residents thereof. Foreign nationals are eligible if they have been full-time students at an accredited US or Canadian university for more than one year at the time of application and will return to the US or Canada after the scholarship period to complete their Bachelor’s degree.
* have well-defined study, research or internship plans for their stay in Germany.
* submit the DAAD language evaluation form with their application, although German language competency is not mandatory.
* demonstrate an interest in contemporary German and European affairs and who explain the significance of their project in Germany to their future studies, research or professional goals.
* are enrolled, full-time students in an undergraduate degree-granting program at an accredited North American college or university.

Scholarship Application Deadline: January 31, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Kenya Undergraduate Scholarship for International Students 2011, USA

International students accepted by Berea College are fully funded for four years of study (5 years for nursing students). We ask that each international student pay a one-time fee of $50 and a $2,200 deposit before coming to Berea to help with costs for medical, dental, or other miscellaneous, unexpected expenses related to college attendance. Students may apply for an exception to paying the deposit if there are inadequate family finances. The funding provided by Berea College includes cost of education (the equivalent of tuition) and fees. Costs for room and board are also covered completely for fall semester of the first year. Because all students at Berea contribute to their educational costs and to the operation of the College via the Labor program, you will have the opportunity each term to contribute to the cost of room and board. The amount of your contribution is based upon your time on campus, or rank (sophomore, junior, senior). As a result, the amount you will pay from your labor earnings toward room and board (term bill) will increase each year. This formula is designed to never exceed your ability to pay and to always leave you with money for discretionary expenses, provided you earn a minimum of $1,000 each summer.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 5 February 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Kenya Merit Undergraduate Scholarship 2011, UK

The Rotary Club of Southport Inc. through the Peter and Jenny Hobart Medical Bursary is offering a bursary designed to assist a student who is about to complete their second year of either Bachelor of Medicine or Bachelor of Surgery degree and has demonstrated financial need to assist their studies.
This award recognizes the major contribution that Peter Hobart and Jenny Hobart made to the initial development of the Medical program at Griffith University.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 29 April 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application