January, 2011 | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans - Part 2

PhD Positions Available at CERE-DTU, Denmark

A four-year BioRec project is focused around behavior and effects of microorganisms in reservoir engineering: Enhanced oil recovery (EOR), hydrate formation and inhibition, and bio-induced corrosion. The goal of the specific subproject is a highly focused investigation of the possible recovery mechanisms of Bio-EOR under conditions of the Danish North Sea reservoirs.

Application of the modern oil recovery methods never leads to complete recovery. Production of few ten percent is often considered to be a success. Can oil recovery be increased by the application of microorganisms and/or enzymes – protein catalysts from living systems? A positive answer would provide the opportunity to produce more oil in a relatively cheap and environmentally safe way.

The task of the PhD student
The tasks of the PhD students will be to carry out a series of laboratory experiments by displacement of oil by water containing bacteria and/or enzymes; and advanced mathematical modeling of the displacement processes under realistic reservoir conditions. Selection of the samples and bio-agents will be carried out in collaboration with industrial partners: Mærsk Oil & Gas, DONG Energy, Novozymes, and Danish Technological Institute.

The students are expected to exhibit creativity, openness to new challenges and interest to independent and nontrivial research.

Required skills
* A degree (M.Sc.) in chemical or petroleum engineering, technical physics, other relevant areas;
* Knowledge of the fundamentals of flows and fluid distribution in porous media;
* Good writing skills in English;
* Interest to independent research;
* Laboratory skills;
* Skills in mathematics, physics and programming;

Scholarship Application Deadline: 15 March 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Fukunaga Scholarship Undergraduate Scholarship, USA: Accounting / Business Administration / General Business / Management / Management Information Systems

The scholarships are awarded to encourage high school students in the State of Hawaii to pursue higher education
in Business at any accredited four-year college or university. Resident students already enrolled in college are also considered.

Four year scholarships are awarded to students just entering college in increments of $4,000 annually. Assuming eligibility is maintained, a total of $16,000 will be awarded over four years. Students already enrolled in college will receive awards varying in amount and duration depending on individual circumstances. These awards will cover only the remainder of the student’s originally approved undergraduate program. Approximately 45 students will be attending various colleges and universities on scholarships annually. We anticipate awarding approximately ten (10) new scholarships for the 2011-2012 school year.
To maintain scholarship eligibility, the recipient must demonstrate academic progress towards his or her Business degree by successfully completing a full-time course load each year aid is received. The minimum grade point average (GPA) to qualify for continued aid is 3.0, except in special circumstances. Where a college does not offer a formal Business major, a reasonable set of available business or economics courses must be approved by the committee*. The scholarship will be discontinued if less than a full-time course load is taken, if a sufficient number of Business or Economics courses is not carried, if the student changes his or her major or course of study, or if the student no longer attends a four-year accredited college or university.

Qualifications & Basis of Selection
-In order to be eligible to apply for an award from the Fukunaga Scholarship Foundation, students who are graduates of public schools in Hawaii must earn the BOE Recognition Diploma with Honors (3.0 GPA or better) or, if graduating before 2013, be on track to have received it. Graduates of private schools in Hawaii must earn an equivalent number of credits and GPA as public school graduates.
-The applicant must impress fellow students, members of the faculty and members of the community as an individual deserving of an opportunity to begin or continue higher education and must have demonstrated personal attributes and the scholastic aptitude needed to achieve educational goals.
-The applicant must have an interest in Business and have participated in school activities and community service which demonstrate leadership and responsibility.

Scholarship Application Deadline: March 1, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

UNESCO/Israel (MASHAV) Co-sponsored Fellowships Programme – “Slum Upgrading and Delivery of Services to the Urban Poor”

To Promote Human Resources Capacities In The Developing Countries Through Intensive Training And To Enhance International Understanding And Friendship Amoung Peoples Of The World And The People Of Israel.The Government Of Israel Is Placing At The Disposal Of UNESCO A Number Of Fellowships For The Benefit Of Certain Member States (Especially The Least Developed Countries) Within The Framework Of The UNESCO Fellowships Programme. Beneficiaries Of These Fellowships Will Be Given The Opportunity Of Participating In A Variety Of Training Courses In Israel, Conducted Under The Sponsorship Of The MASHAV, Israel’s Agency For International Develoment Cooperation
“Slum Upgrading And The Delivery Of Services To The Urban Poor””
(From 4 July To 2 August 2011)
Scholarship Application Deadline: 13 May 2011

Further Scholarship Information And Application