The Graduate Student Summer Research Fellowships is a companion program to the University of Maryland Flagship Fellowships and the Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowships. The Summer Research Fellowships provide support to doctoral students at “mid-career,” that is, in the period approximately before, during, or after achievement of candidacy. Fellowship awards were made to 48 students in Summer 2010, and we hope to continue that in 2011. The Summer Research Fellowships will provide doctoral students the opportunity to concentrate fully on their own scholarly activities and research, for the duration of a summer, at a critical moment in their graduate studies. The specific goal of the program is to help students to take a significant step forward in their studies in a timely manner; the overall goals are to reduce timeto- degree, to increase degree completion, and to enhance the quality of the graduate student experience.
Scholarship Application Deadline: 14 March 2011
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