Scholarship in Physics | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

Scholarship in Physics

For this scholarship knowledge and skills relevant to postgraduate studies within this area

Study Subject: Physics

Employer: Lund University

Level: Doctoral

Scholarship Description: We are opening a position for a PhD student within a project aiming to temporally resolve electron and molecular dynamics using XUV and X-ray laser pulses. The work is to large extent experimental, combining in-house experiments at the Lund High Power Laser Facility using High-Order Harmonics with facility scale experiments at the FLASH XUV free electron laser in Hamburg and the LCLS X-ray free electron laser in Stanford, US.


To be considered for these positions, the potential candidate should at the date of recruiment, hold a Master?s degree in Physics or Engineering Physics or equivalent from an accredited university which includes coursework in mathematics and/or physics and/or equivalent to at least 240 course points in the Swedish university system.
Scholarship Application Deadline: 2010-11-30

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