Warwick Graduate School is delighted to offer around 45 Warwick Postgraduate Research Scholarships this year, which include:
* The payment of academic fees at the Home/EU rate (£3,466 for full-time students in 2010-11)
* A maintenance grant in line with the UK Research Council stipend (£13,590 for full-time award holders in 2010-11)
Students and applicants who wish to apply for an AHRC doctoral award should apply to the WPRS competition and will automatically be considered for both competitions. More details on applying for an AHRC doctoral award are available here.
This competition, unlike most postgraduate funding, is open to Home, EU, and Overseas students from all disciplines at Warwick, and offers an equal award to all.
Applications welcomed from:
* Applicants for a full-time doctoral course at the University of Warwick, expecting to begin in Autumn 2011.
* Students currently enrolled on a three-year full-time PhD or MPhil/PhD (in the case of the Faculties of Arts, Medicine and Social Science), at the University of Warwick may apply in the first year of their registration only.
* University of Warwick students currently registered on a “1+3″ course at a Doctoral Training Centre, who are in their Master’s year and expecting to start doctoral study in 2011-12. These students will be eligible for a three-year WPRS or (if paying overseas fees) a Chancellor’s International Scholarship.
* University of Warwick students currently registered on the “2+2” MPhil > PhD course in the Department of Philosophy may apply for a postgraduate research scholarship in either (or both) the first and second years of their MPhil. Students applying in the first year will be eligible for a three year WPRS or (if an overseas fees-payer) a Chancellor’s International Scholarship. Students applying in their second year will be eligible for a two year WPRS, or (if a UK or EU student) a two year AHRC doctoral award, or (if an overseas fees-payer) a Chancellor’s International Scholarship. No student will be permitted to apply for a WPRS/Chancellor’s International Scholarship on more than two occasions. UK or EU Students will be eligible to apply (via a separate process) for an AHRC Master’s award to fund their two-year MPhil.
Scholarship Application Deadline: 31 January 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application
how do i apply for a scholarship and Grant
here is my email….abdulsalam_omez@yahoo.com