Danish Government Scholarships for Exchange Students/Young Researchers 2011/2012 | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

Danish Government Scholarships for Exchange Students/Young Researchers 2011/2012

These scholarships are aimed at highly qualified exchange students and young research scientists from the above mentioned countries, who wish to immerse themselves into studies in Danish language and culture, or fields of study otherwise related to Denmark such as design, or environmental studies, and so on.

Students who are enrolled in a full degree-programme in Denmark are not considered exchange students and are not eligible for a scholarship.

Please notice that only postgraduate students can apply for the scholarships. However, for studies in Danish language and literature, students can apply already at bachelor level, provided they have studied Danish language 2 years previous to their arrival to Denmark.

The scholarship funds for the Cultural Agreements are gathered into a single pool for long-term study periods (exept for China, Japan, Israel, Egypt and Russia) and Danish summer language courses. This means that the 23 countries concerned are not guaranteed an exact number of scholarships. An individual assessment will be carried out by The Danish Agency for International Education based on certain criteria, explained in the paragraph “Selection Criteria” below.

The scholarship amount for long-term periods will however remain unchanged, with a monthly stipend of 5,000 DKK. The Danish Government Scholarships cover tuition fees and living expenses for one person only.

Scholarship Application Deadline :

The deadline for applications for long term study periods is 28th of February 2011.

The deadline for applications for summer language courses is 28th of March 2011.

Further Scholarship Information and Application

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