Curatorial Fellowships Positions in Harvard University, USA: Plant Science | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

Curatorial Fellowships Positions in Harvard University, USA: Plant Science

he Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University invites applicants for its next Curatorial Fellow. Curation of the living collections is a fundamental part of the Arboretum’s mission, and detailed plant records have been maintained since 1872. This long tradition in collections management allows the Arboretum to provide a unique learning opportunity to an individual interested in a curatorial career at a botanic garden, arboretum, or other public horticulture institution.During the 6-month long program (flexible start date in May), the fellow will become competent in the core areas of curation through formal training, experiential learning, and self-guided project work.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 1 March 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application


  1. you seem to have a point but for some strong language that makes the work sound a bit extreme.good work though.

  2. I buy your idea

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