The fellowships are open to new doctoral students who have been accepted to the Ph.D. program in CSE for Fall 2011. Each fellowship provides a stipend of $23,000; an additional $7,000 is provided for covering tuition fees, health insurance, and other fees. Each fellowship is for up to three years of support, provided that academic progress is maintained. Specific details about fellowship requirements, obligations, and application process are provided below.
The department currently has 35 PhD students in the program and expects to increase the size to 50 over the next years. Students who wish to enter the Ph.D. program must possess a Bachelors (BS) or Master of Science (MS) degree in either computer science or computer engineering. The department will consider applications from students lacking this background if they show exceptional promise. Specific
admission and program requirements can be found at the following website: The Department will reimburse the application fees for admission for applicants with a GPA greater than 3.5 and a GRE Verbal + Quantitative score greater than 1,250 (with a GRE Quantitative score greater than 750).
Scholarship Application Deadline: March 15, 2011
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