PhD student: The Prospects for High Efficiency Solar Cells, Netherlands | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

PhD student: The Prospects for High Efficiency Solar Cells, Netherlands

The department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences (IE&IS) engages in education and research in the area of operational business processes and transitions in societies in relation to technical changes. In the IE&IS department, scholars and students work together on critical problems at the interface of engineering, management, innovation, and human behavior. The department has two schools: the School of Industrial Engineering and the School of Innovation Sciences.

The School of Innovation Sciences is one of the leading IS schools in Europe, with a strong presence in the international research and education community. Within the School of Innovation Sciences three degree programs are taught: BSc in Innovation Sciences, MSc in Human Technology Interaction, and MSc in Innovation Sciences. Moreover, the school participates in several PhD programs set up by national research schools. The School of Innovation Sciences also contributes to the 3TU Centre of Excellence in Ethics & Technology.

Research in Innovation Sciences deals with the economic, sociological and psychological determinants and consequences of pervasive technological changes in society. From a socio-technical perspective, technological changes leading to fundamental and pervasive changes in the organization and culture of a society have been characterized with the concept of “transition”. The economics discipline contributes to this research agenda by examining the role of markets, firms and sectors affect the flow of knowledge and technology in society.

One PhD position is available in the area of innovation research at the Technology, Innovation and Society group at the School of Innovation Sciences at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in The Netherlands. This research project will assess the long term prospects of solar cells (PV). Research will analyze the development of technological trajectories of different types of solar cells in order to identify market opportunities and niche applications, in particular for high efficiency solar cells. The project aims at contributing to a successful implementation of solar cells by developing innovative business models, using Strategic Niche Management and other relevant innovation theories.

The PhD student will do his/her research as part of a large energy research project on nano-wire multi-junction solar cells for concentrator photovoltaics applications. In this project researchers and PhD’s from TU/e work in close cooperation with industry.

We welcome applications from candidates with a Master degree and an excellent academic record in innovation studies and management, science, technology and society (STS) studies, Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET) or other relevant MSc programs.

We offer:

* a challenging job in a dynamic and ambitious University;
* a PhD appointment for a period of 4 years;
* gross salary is in the range of €28.500 – €36.500 per annum (on a full-time basis), this includes 8% holiday allowance and 8.3% end of year allowance;
* a broad package of fringe benefits (including an excellent technical infrastructure, child care, moving expenses, savings schemes, coverage of costs of publishing the dissertation and excellent sports facilities);
* the university covers the costs of publishing your dissertation.

As part of an equal opportunity scheme, women are explicitly requested to apply. Attaining a PhD at Eindhoven University of Technology provides you with excellent career opportunities.

Application Deadline 15-09-2010
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