PhD Studentship in Oxyfuel Combustion Diagnostics at University of Cambridge, UK | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

PhD Studentship in Oxyfuel Combustion Diagnostics at University of Cambridge, UK

PhD position is available for candidates interested in the area of application of optical diagnostics to oxygen pulverized coal combustion in fluidized beds. Oxyfuel coal combustion holds promise for simplifying CO2 sequestration and management in power plants. Combustion in fluidized beds leads to very high rates of heat and mass transfer, yet we do not have significant information regarding the fluid mechanics of fluidization and reaction to validate combustion models. The goal of the project is to use imaging and line laser diagnostics (PIV, PDPA, LII) for characterizing the flow and reaction of coal particles and oxygen/inert mixtures on the upper regions of fluidized beds. The candidate will perform most of her/his research activities in the Cambridge Combustion Research Centre, a large group in the overall area of combustion (about 25 PhDs, 10 Post-docs), with state of the art experimental facilities.
Eligibility: The application is open to nationals of any country, but full tuition fees are not covered for overseas (non-EU) students. Stipends for 2010-2011 are 13,290 GBP, and available for 3 years. Candidates should hold an undergraduate degree in mechanical or chemical engineering, chemistry, physics or related fields, and marks corresponding to the top 10 percent cohort of a top university.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 4 March 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

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