2011 Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Program for International Students, China | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

2011 Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Program for International Students, China

To encourage international students (excluding Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao SAR students) to undertake Mandarin language (Huayu) courses in the Republic of China (Taiwan), in order to provide them with opportunities to increase their understanding of Taiwanese culture and society, and to promote mutual understanding and interactions between Taiwan and the international community.

International applicants above the age of 18, who possess a high school diploma or higher, excellent academic performance, and are of good moral character may apply. Candidates with one of the following qualifications may not apply.
a. Overseas Chinese students or a national of the R.O.C.
b. Students currently registered at a Mandarin Language Center or in a degree program at any university or college in Taiwan.
c. Individuals who have already received a HES or a Taiwan scholarship in the past.
d. Exchange students to Taiwan during the scholarship period.
e. Individuals currently receiving financial benefits from the Taiwan government or other educational institutions

Scholarship Application Deadline:March 31st, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

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