This award is given to a female A.B.D. graduate student working on a historical dissertation, not necessarily in a history department. Applications for work on a project involving issues of race are particularly welcome.
1) be a CCWH member
(2) be a woman graduate student in a U.S. institution
(3) have passed to A.B.D. status by the time of the application. She may hold this award and others simultaneously. The applicant may specialize in any field, but must be working on an historical.The CCWH/Berkshire Conference of Women Historians Graduate Student Fellowship is a $1000 award to a female graduate student completing a dissertation in a history department.
The CCWH Ida B. Wells Graduate Student Fellowship is a $1000 award to an A.B.D. female graduate student working on a historical dissertation, not necessarily in a history department.
Scholarship Application Deadline: 15 Sept,2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application
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