Indonesian Government has offered scholarships, under its scheme Beasiswa Kemitraan Negara Berkembang (KNB) or Developing Countries Partnership (DCP), for pursuing Master studies in various universities of Indonesia for the Academic Session 2011-12. The details are as under:
The scholarship aims:
1. To promote deeper cultural understanding among developing countries.
2. To strengthen the relationship and mutual cooperation among developing countries
3. To contribute to the development of human resource quality
Eligibility Criteria:
The maximum of age is 35 years.
Has a completed four (4) years Bachelors Degree or equivalent.
Has a TOEFL score of 450 or equivalent
Completes and submits the application form and must be nominated by the respective government.
If successful, while studying in Indonesia:
-Will comply with the Indonesian Government and host university regulations
– Will not work or join any political activity
-Agrees not to change the place of study and study program selected
-Sign the statement letter prior to departure
Scholarship Application Deadline:Mid of May 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application
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