The purpose of the O’Bie Shultz Dissertation Research Travel Grant is to enable Stanford graduate students with an approved Ph.D. dissertation proposal related to international studies to undertake fieldwork necessary for the dissertation. Typically, this research is conducted in another country. Funds are limited, so it is not possible to support every worthy proposal. The grants are intended to supplement other sources of financial support, and rarely exceed $5,000. Awards from this application cycle are intended to be disbursed during the 2011-12 academic year, although occasional early disbursals during the summer quarter may be considered. Applicants must be Stanford graduate students in good standing who have completed all requirements for their Ph.D. except the dissertation (reached TGR status). Applicants should have completed course work and necessary foreign language training before the period covered by the grant, and should be prepared to undertake full-time research on the dissertation topic. Only expenses that are legitimate research-related travel costs may be covered by the grant. No funds are available to cover travel costs for dependents and spouses. The amount of the award is determined on an individual basis contingent upon the interdepartmental faculty selection committee’s approval.
Scholarship Application Deadline: 22 April 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application
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