foundation scholarship | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans - Part 3

Research Studentships in the School of Social Sciences, History and Philosophy, UK

Since the Highlights Foundation Scholarship Program was first established in 1988, more than 311 scholarships have been awarded to applicants who wish to attend the Foundation’s Annual Children’s Writers Workshop at Chautauqua, New York. These scholarships make the experience of Chautauqua possible for many individuals who might otherwise not have the opportunity or the resources to participate.

Individuals with a serious interest in writing for children and who have an established financial need are invited to apply. Scholarship applications are evaluated on an ongoing basis by the Highlights Foundation Scholarship Committee. Scholarships vary in the stipend awarded depending on an applicant’s requirements and the funds available. Funds for scholarships come from two sources: a Foundation Endowment Fund or scholarships that are funded annually by donors.
Scholarship Application Deadline: February 11, 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application

David C. Lam / TEAL Foundation Scholarship, USA

David C. Lam, the 25th Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia, has demonstrated a combination of pursuit of competence with a recognition of service to others.  It is this combination of activities that the TEAL Charitable Foundation seeks to honour through the David C. Lam/TEAL Foundation Scholarship.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 31 January 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application