geological structure | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

PhD Position in Seismic Methods with Focus on Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide, Sweden

The PhD candidate will perform research within the field of reflection seismics and seismic methods related to geological storage of CO2 in sedimentary, but also crystalline, rocks. Acquisition and processing of seismic data are part of the activities included in the position. Research will focus on (1) interpretation of geological structure based on the reflection seismic data, (2) development of novel and innovative processing methods, and (3) integration of reflection seismic results with other geological and geophysical data related to geological storage of CO2.

The PhD candidate will work within a larger research program with other candidates and researchers from Sweden and abroad.
We are seeking a motivated candidate where a strong background in math, physics, geophysics and geology is desirable, as is documented field experience. Linux/Unix skills are necessary, experience in programming in C is desirable, and using software such as GMT, Seismic Unix and shell scripts is a merit.

The successful applicant is expected to, and should be willing, to spend time in the field, as part of her/his PhD studies, operating geophysical instruments. The PhD position is for 4 years where financing for the first year may be by a grant (utbildningsbidrag) and the following 3 years as an employee of the university as a PhD student. If funds are available, it is possible to extend the PhD study period to 5 years by working as a teaching/research assistant. Uppsala University is an equal opportunity employer and encourages women to apply for these positions.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 28 February, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application