independent research | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans - Part 2

NMF-National Marfan Foundation Research Grants 2011 in USA: cardiovascular,orthopedic andophthalmologic

The National Marfan Foundation (NMF) is requesting applications for one- and two-year grants for basic or clinical research on the Marfan syndrome. The NMF’s grant program is designed to provide financial support for investigators studying any or all disciplines involved in the Marfan syndrome. Three one year grants not to exceed $50,000 each (or two $50,000 one year grants and one $100,000 two year grant) will be made in January 2012 from the NMF Research Fund.The principal investigator must hold an MD, DO, PhD, ScD, DDS, DVM or equivalent degree.

The investigator must have proven ability to pursue independent research as evidenced by original research publications in peer-reviewed journals.The National Marfan Foundation is currently accepting proposals for basic and clinical research related to the Marfan syndrome and related tissue connective tissue disorders. Each application should have the quality of an NIH proposal.

Scholarship Application Deadline:April 11, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Newman Fellowship in Cardiovascular Epidemiology at University College Dublin, UK

As part of its programme to provide postdoctoral research opportunities for scholars of proven academic excellence, University College Dublin invites applications for the following Newman Fellowship in Cardiovascular Epidemiology Edwards Lifesciences Newman Fellowship in Cardiovascular Epidemiology. This Fellowship is established at the UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Population Science, with support from Edwards Lifesciences. The School of Public Health has a long track record of population-based research in Cardiovascular Disease epidemiology, risk factor modification and health services implications of Cardiovascular Disease in Ireland.
The Edwards Newman Fellow will be expected to have a clinical qualification to doctoral level, have specific training in cardiovascular disease and have the epidemiological and statistical skills to carry out independent research in this field. The Edwards Lifesciences Newman Fellowship is tenable for two years. Informal enquires regarding this Fellowship may be directed to Dr. Mary Codd, UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Population Sciences.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 1 April 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Katharine H. Putnam Fellowships in Plant Science, USA: plant science, plant ecology, horticulture

The Putnam Fellowship award provides stipends of up to $40,000 per year, depending on professional status, need, and duration of the fellowship. In addition, modest support is available for research and travel costs. Putnam Fellows are employees of Harvard University during their tenure and are eligible for health insurance benefits. Putnam Fellows are expected to publish the results of their research in professional or academic journals and present their work at professional meetings and workshops.Putnam Fellows are also expected to engage fully in the professional activities of the Arnold Arboretum and be in full-time residence during their tenure. While the primary work of Putnam Fellows is conducting original independent research that utilizes the living collections of the Arboretum, Putnam Fellows are also expected to work collaboratively with the staff of the Arboretum on other institutional efforts. Participation as an instructor for Arnold Arboretum education programs is encouraged, as is writing for Arnoldia, the Arboretum’s quarterly magazine. The fellowship is typically awarded for 1 year, with an option for a second year renewal upon review. Shorter appointments, of no less than 3 months, are also possible. Putnam Fellows must initiate their term at the Arboretum within 12 months of notification.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 1 March 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application