master of science | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

10 PhD Fellowships in Aging-Associated Diseases, Cologne University, Germany

The CECAD Graduate School is calling for applications for its comprehensive PhD program in the interdisciplinary and future-oriented field of aging research. The three-year program includes excellent research conditions with intensive guidance and state-of-the-art facilities in an international work environment.

The requirements for applying to the CECAD Graduate School is a Master of Science or an equivalent degree in Biology, Biochemistry, or another relevant subject. Alternatively, we also accept applicants with a degree in medicine if they can prove that they have sufficient research experience in a field which is relevant to CECAD’s work. In order to be admitted to the selection procedure, all applicants must prove that they have adequate knowledge of English.

Scholarship Application Deadline: March 20, 2011.

Further Scholarship Information and Application

International Master (M2) in Medical and Veterinary Entomology, West Africa

The sixth year of the International Master Degree in medical and veterinary Entomology (IME) will begin in September 2011 in Benin (West Africa).The scientific and educational objectives of the International Master of medical and veterinary Entomology (IME) are to develop a comprehensive training on research areas such as vector systematic, vector biology and ecology, population genetics, genomics and vector control.

Attend the IME, applicants must fulfil the following criteria :

1- Hold a BSc (Bachelor of Science) degree in the field of Life Sciences or equivalent diploma recognized by the University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin) and the University of Montpellier 2 (France).

2- Understand both French and English. A certificate of English and French proficiency or proficiency testing by phone may be requested.

3- Applicants may be requested to prove a source of reliable funding to cover costs throughout the IME training (see link)

Note : Students currently undertaking a MSc (Master of Science) degree are allowed to pre-register by specifying the expected date of graduation on their CV.

The IME’s professional objective is to optimise the preparation of future PhD students into the different options – public health, veterinary, teaching and research.

Scholarship Application Deadline:31 March 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

PhD Studentship in Food Technology, Sweden

Emulsifying substances act by contributing to the disruption of the droplets and by protecting the formed droplets from coalescing. To enable these actions the emulsifiers need to adsorb rapidly at the surfaces and form a protective layer. Starch nanocrystals of specific sizes and hydrophobicity will be designed and used as colloidal particles to generate and stabilise Pickering type emulsions. The aim is then to understand their function depending on size, shape, and hydrophobicity in relationship to the interface they are adsorbing to. The use of starch nanocrystals as emulsion stabilisers is novel, and finds practical use not only in pharmaceutical and food applications, but also in the paper industry. Furthermore, the almost irreversible adsorption of colloidal particles creates very stable emulsions in contrast to surfactant molecules.

Eligibility/Entry Requirements

The general eligibility requirement for doctoral studies is a university degree of at least 240 ECTS credits, including at least 60 credits at an advanced level. Furthermore you need a valid university degree at advanced level (MSc) within a relevant study program.

To be qualifield for researach education (PhD education) in Food Technology the candidate needs to have a Master of Science in Engineering, specialisation in Biotechnology, Chemical engineering or Ecological enigneering or Master of Science in Chemistry or other discipline relevant to the field of the degree project or other equivalent degree

Scholarship Application Deadline: 2011-03-15

Further Scholarship Information and Application