Master | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans - Part 4

2011 PhD Positions in Arctic Geophysics at University Centre in Svalbard, Norway

The Department of Arctic Geophysics of the UniversityCentre in Svalbard havevacanciesfor two PhD position forfour years each within the Space Physics group focusing on optics of airglow and aurora, respectively. UNIS provides education and carries out scientific research based in Svalbard within the high Arctic, and benefits greatlyfrom this geographical location. Approximately half of the staff and students are from abroad,
and all teaching isin English. UNIS is located in a new building in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, withvery good
access to modern laboratories and equipment. UNIS is a state owned.

Qualifications :The successful candidatesmust have a Master degree in Physics or equivalent in a field related to the above described projects. Due to logistics, the candidates need to have driver licenses.Admission to the doctoral programme at one of the Norwegian mainland universitiesis a condition of employment in the position as PhD student. The final plan for researcher education shall be approved and a contract signed with the mainland university at the latest six months after commencement. The applications will be prepared by the candidates and the supervisors. Employment Conditions for Ph.D positions :The employment contracts are of 4 years and include mandatory duties of 25% each. The successful candidatesmust live in Longyearbyen. They are expected to contribute actively to ongoing scientific activities in the department. It is also expected that the Ph.D. students take an active part in the advancement of their field of research, and they must also be willing to contribute to the development of UNIS in a more general sense.

All salaries are set in accordance with the Norwegian government’s University salary scale. Ph.D students starts at salary step 48, which currently is a gross salary of NOK 383 900.As a resident in Svalbard an annual allowance of NOK 26 400.(Svalbardtillegg) will be added to the salary. A Social Security contribution of 2 per cent, to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund, will be deducted from the salary. Income tax on Svalbard is 8 per cent, plus 7.8 per cent toward National Insurance coverage. Selection and appointment :An expert Committee appointed by the Managing director of UNIS, will evaluate the qualifications of the applicants. The Committee will review the applications in detail, and is the basis for interviews. The final appointment will be made by the Appointment Committee.

Scholarship Application Deadline:
15 April 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

2011 Scholarships Programme for Master’s in Interior and Living Design, Domus Academy in Italy

Master in Interior and Living Design -MILD- intends to create a new professional character: a designer of spaces and services, able to conjugate technical-design skills, solid cultural basis and strategic abilities. During the Master, the students are given the possibility to deepen their knowledge of design tools, not only related to the industrial or craftsmanship production.

Amuse us is an international competition aimed at the collection of design ideas sharing a new interpretation of ‘quality time’ for places and people. The competition addresses young graduates coming from architecture, interior design, engineering faculties or people with a relevant.Two scholarships each of one covering 50% of the total tuition fee of the Master in Interior and Living Design at Domus Academy 22.200 euro (euro 18.500 + VAT 20%). These conditions are intended for the Academic Year 2011-2012 (September 2011 – August 2012) only.

Scholarship Application Deadline:April 29th, 2011.

Further Scholarship Information and Application

International Master (M2) in Medical and Veterinary Entomology, West Africa

The sixth year of the International Master Degree in medical and veterinary Entomology (IME) will begin in September 2011 in Benin (West Africa).The scientific and educational objectives of the International Master of medical and veterinary Entomology (IME) are to develop a comprehensive training on research areas such as vector systematic, vector biology and ecology, population genetics, genomics and vector control.

Attend the IME, applicants must fulfil the following criteria :

1- Hold a BSc (Bachelor of Science) degree in the field of Life Sciences or equivalent diploma recognized by the University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin) and the University of Montpellier 2 (France).

2- Understand both French and English. A certificate of English and French proficiency or proficiency testing by phone may be requested.

3- Applicants may be requested to prove a source of reliable funding to cover costs throughout the IME training (see link)

Note : Students currently undertaking a MSc (Master of Science) degree are allowed to pre-register by specifying the expected date of graduation on their CV.

The IME’s professional objective is to optimise the preparation of future PhD students into the different options – public health, veterinary, teaching and research.

Scholarship Application Deadline:31 March 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application