membrane bioreactors | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

PhD Scholarships in Environmental Engineering/Biotechnology, Denmark Technical University

The scholarships are supported by several research grants (MIRESOWA, DW Biofilter, Ecodesign MBR) with the objective to develop and optimize biotechnological solutions for drinking water and wastewater handling.

The drinking water projects have a specific emphasis on analyzing and optimizing biological rapid sand filtration technologies for both bulk and trace pollutant removal. The wastewater project has a specific emphasis on analyzing and optimizing autotrophic N removal in membrane-bioreactors. In both projects, candidates are sought with training and interest in one or more of the following: molecular microbial ecology, bioprocess engineering, and process modeling.

The successful candidates will be employed at DTU Environment within the framework of the Urban Water Technology graduate school (, and work under the supervision of the PIs and post-doctoral associates. DTU Environment offers state-of-the art chemical, microbial, and biomolecular analytical facilities, process laboratories, and equipment to execute this project. These project benefits from several interactions (and possible research exchanges) with other leading research groups in DK, EU, and USA and interactions with leading-edge technology providers.

This research is supported by the projects MIRESOWA, DW Biofilter, and EcoDesign MBR, funded by the Danish Council for Strategic Research (DSF).

The 6 PhD scholarships
PhD1: Molecular mapping of the diversity of ammonia and iron/manganese oxidizing bacteria at full-scale biological rapid sand filters.

PhD 2 & 3: Analysis and optimization of conditions that drive biological ammonia or iron/manganese removal in bench-scale rapid sand filters.

PhD 4: Model-based Analysis and Optimization of biological rapid sand filters at pilot and full-scale.

PhD 5: Trace pollutant removal via bioreactive barriers in groundwater extraction wells: Characterization and enhancement of microbial processes

PhD 6: Molecular and microscopic analysis of spatial and metabolic interactions in nitritation/annamox bioaggregates

The successful candidates will have a high motivation for research and solid written and oral communication skills. The applicants will enjoy working in and contributing to an international and cross-disciplinary research team. English is the operational language of the department.

At the date of appointment, candidates must have obtained a M. Sc. in Environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Science, Chemistry, Microbiology, Microbial Ecology or related discipline, evidence of research experience, and significant exposure to one or more of the following fields: basic molecular microbiology; microbial ecology; mathematical modeling and computational analysis applied to environmental/microbial systems; bioreactor technology.

Approval and Enrolment
The scholarships for the PhD degree are subject to academic approval and the candidates will be enrolled in one of the general degree programmes of DTU. For information about the general requirements for enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies, please see the DTU PhD Guide.

Salary and appointment terms
The salary and appointment terms are consistent with the current rules for PhD degree students.
The positions are available for a three-year period with start from 1 September 2010 or as soon as possible.

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