methodological issues | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

2011 Doctoral Fellowships in UCT Institute for Humanities in Africa

HUMA – the Institute for the Humanities in Africa – is a new initiative at UCT,
intended to create a space of dynamic interdisciplinary community for scholars and students in the humanities at large, and to promote independent and informed debate within wider intellectual publics. Based in the Faculties of Humanities and Law, HUMA’s intellectual agenda is shaped by two primary research themes, On Being Human and Circuits of Consumption.

The doctoral programme on offer will include (non-credit bearing) courses on critical theoretical and methodological issues, which doctoral fellows will be required to attend. Given our interest in nurturing academic talent, doctoral fellows will also be expected to play an active part in HUMA’s intellectual life, including our programme of seminars, symposia and lectures.Each fellowship is worth R149 000 per annum.

Scholarship Application Deadline:
26 April 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application