university business school | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans - Part 3

2011-2012 MSc Tourism and Travel Management Bursaries, UK

The Tourism and Travel Research Institute is offering up to two £1,000 scholarships for applicants who have secured a place on the online MSc Tourism and Travel Management (non-U21 route). Home, EU and overseas candidates will be considered for these bursaries. The Tourism and Travel Research Institute is offering up to two £2,000 scholarships to students who have secured a place on the online MSc Tourism and Travel Management via the Universitas 21 Diploma route. Home, EU and overseas candidates will be considered for these bursaries.
Eligible: Been offered and accepted a place on the MSc Tourism and Travel Management (completed wholly via the Nottingham University Business School).

Scholarship Application Deadline: 24 June 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

MPhil/PhD in Economics Scholarship: Distance Learning Mode, UK

The Open Society Foundations and Staffordshire University Business School jointly invite applications from university graduates with outstanding academic qualifications for five scholarships on the MPhil/PhD in Economics programme by Distance Learning mode.  This scheme aims to support the reform of the higher education system in Central and East European countries by providing opportunities for younger university teachers and researchers to gain access to West European higher education and to pursue research in Economics at an advanced level, leading to an MPhil or a PhD degree

Scholarship Application Deadline: 24 January 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application