university of salzburg | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

8 Fully Funded PhD Scholarships at the University of Salzburg, Austria: Biology, cognitive neurology, cognitive science, linguistics and psychology (clinical, cognitive, developmental and social)

We are inviting applications for 8 fully funded PhD scholarships in the following interdisciplinary areas: biology, cognitive neurology, cognitive science, linguistics and psychology (clinical, cognitive, developmental and social.students: salary for a period of 3 to 4 years (including health and social insurance), equipped work space, cover of research consumables, specific technological training courses (e.g. fMRI, EEG), presentation, writing and teaching skill training, full funding of congress participation, workshops and international courses, including stays in foreign partner laboratories.

Candidates must hold a master’s degree or equivalent with a relevant specialization in one of the above listed academic areas of the programme at the time of entry. Prior application is possible. The language of the graduate programme (teaching) is English; hence English proficiency is indispensable. The programme strives for equal representation of female PhD students so women are especially encouraged to apply.

Scholarship Application Deadline:9th May 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Doctoral Scholarship in Geographic Information Science, University of Salzburg, Austria

Requirements are the excellent completion of a degree at the Masters level in Geoinformatics, Geomatics, Computer Science or any scientific/technical subject in a relevant field, and excellent English language (both oral and writing) skills. Applicants have to submit the complete scholarship application as detailed at the under “Application form” (see left hand side of this website).
Candidates will be selected by the selection committee consisting of the faculty members. Successful candidates will then be invited to start their official admission process at the University of Salzburg. For this first selection process only electronic documentation is required.Undersign the last page electronically. If this is not possible, print out the last page, scan it and attach it like the other documents requested (specified at the last page of the application form).
Scan your certificates and convert them into pdf-files. Send the filled application form and the attachments.Please make sure that the application form and all attachments alltogether do not exceed 6 Mb .

Scholarship Application Deadline
: 20 April, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application