April, 2011 | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans - Part 2

ACU Titular Fellowships – 2011: agriculture, forestry and food sciences, biotechnology, development strategies, earth and marine sciences, engineering, health and related social sciences, information technology, management for change

agriculture, forestry and food sciences, biotechnology, development strategies, earth and marine sciences, engineering, health and related social sciences, information technology, management for change, professional education and training, social and cultural development and university development and management.
Employer:The Association of Commonwealth Universities
Level:not intended for degree courses, or for immediately postdoctoral programmes
Scholarship Description:The ACU Titular Fellowships provide opportunities for staff from member universities and employees working in industry, commerce or public service in a Commonwealth country to spend periods of time in other member universities or relevant institutions outside their own country.

Applications must be approved by the executive head (vice-chancellor, president or rector) of a university in ACU membership, or the head of the candidate’s firm/company. The ACU will also consider applications approved by the chief executive officer of a Commonwealth inter-university organisation.

Applications must include all relevant signatures and be converted to (and submitted in) PDF format. We will accept scanned copies of the relevant signature pages.

Scholarship Application Deadline:1July 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

University of Bremen- Research Scholarship, Germany: Ocean and Climate Research, Material Science, Information-Cognition-Communication, Social Sciences, Health Sciences, and Logistics.

The University of Bremen is a young and dynamic university with top league research programs. Interdisciplinary research at the University of Bremen transcends the borders of traditional disciplines and is structured into six high-profile areas: Ocean and Climate Research, Material Science, Information-Cognition-Communication, Social Sciences, Health Sciences, and Logistics.

The Bremen Research Scholarship supports students and young academics from abroad to engage in a research visit to the University of Bremen. The scholarship is for carrying out an ambitious and innovative project in one of the research areas of the university. The aim is to develop and maintain international research connections through sharing innovative and excellent scientific expertise. The scholarship amounts to 625 € per month for Bachelor and Master students (maximum duration: 6 months) and 1024 € per month for doctoral students (maximum duration: 4 months). In addition, a flat rate will be provided to cover travel expenses to and from Bremen based on the DAAD rates.

We welcome proposals for funding research visits to the University of Bremen. The call is open to candidates of all disciplines who have completed basic college studies (usually Bachelor level). Female students or researchers are particularly encouraged to apply.

Applicants are requested to obtain a letter of endorsement from a scientist of the University of Bremen prior to the application. In this letter, the scientist should state that she or he is willing to host and advise the applicant during her or his research visit to Bremen and comment on the proposed project.

Scholarship Application Deadline:15 May 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

JRF Position in the Department of Stem Cell Research Facility at PGIMER, India

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the appointment of positions indicated below initially for a period of one year starting on the 1st of May 2011 under DBT sponsored “Establishment of Stem Cell Research Facility”. Successful candidate will find an opportunity to work over the project entitled “Characterization of leukemia associated ETO (MTG) family members in Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cells”. The positions are extendable and candidate(s) may be enrolled for a PhD program in stem cells thereafter. Candidates with National fellowships like JRF-CSIR-UGC, JRF-DBT, JRF-ICMR will be preferred. Interested candidates should submit their application along with their curriculum vitae with supporting documents to the undersigned. The application complete in all respect should reach the undersigned by 23th April 2011.
Eligibility: M.Sc. (Genetics, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Life Sciences or related field) with two year of research experience

Scholarship Application Deadline: 23 April 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application