Masters Studentships Positions in School of Arts, Histories and Cultures, University of Manchester, UK | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

Masters Studentships Positions in School of Arts, Histories and Cultures, University of Manchester, UK

Except where indicated, all the awards use the same application process.The application process is in two parts: You need to submit a standard online application form (including references) by 15 February 2011 at the latest. You can do this here. Your referees will also need to submit references directly to the School by this date.You also need to submit a SAHC/AHRC Funding Application Form, along with a Research Proposal to the School PG office (contact details on the form) by 5pm on 1 March 2011.  For UK and EU students, the main funding body is the AHRC. Manchester has been awarded among the highest number of studentships under the AHRC’s Block Grant Partnership (BGP) scheme of any UK university. AHRC awards are highly competitive and provide payment of tuition fees and a maintenance stipend for UK students, and tuition fees (and in some cases a maintenance stipend, subject to eligibility criteria) for EU students. The selection of candidates is made by the School, with final confirmation of awards by the AHRC. (Please note: it is possible to apply for an AHRC BGP studentship at more than one institution, but only one nomination per student is permitted; applicants offered a studentship at more than one institution must choose which one to accept before nominations are submitted to the AHRC.)The School has the following AHRC studentships available for UK and EU students starting their programme of study from September 2011.Doctoral Studentships in the areas of: Archaeology; Art History & Visual Studies; Classics & Ancient History; Drama, Performance and Dance; English & American Studies; Film Studies; History; Music; Museum Studies; and Religions & Theology.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 25 Feb 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

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