Hugh Kelly Fellowship 2012, South Africa: Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

Hugh Kelly Fellowship 2012, South Africa: Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology

The Hugh Kelly Fellowship is awarded to enable senior scientists to devote themselves to advanced work. The value of the Fellowship covers:

* Direct return economy class airfare from the Fellow’s residence.
* University accommodation with electricity and water included.
* R5000.00 monthly cash stipend to supplement the Fellow’s usual source of income, or if you are accompanied by your partner R7500.00 per month cash stipend.
* If the Fellow accepts the appointment for at least four months and is accompanied by a partner, the partner’s return economy air fare will also be paid.

The successful applicant will be expected to take up residence in Grahamstown between 1 January 2012 and 31 December 2012.

Applicants should be senior scholars of standing with an extensive research publication record. Please apply to the Research Office, Rhodes University enclosing a full statement of the work proposed, together with a curriculum vitae and the names of three referees who can attest to the applicant’s standing.

The tenure of the Fellowship can be for periods of between three and ten months. The Fellow will be required to reside in Grahamstown and will be an honorary member of the staff of the University for the term of the Fellowship. The Fellow will be provided with internet access and use of the Library, as well as such facilities as may be required for research. At the conclusion of the Fellowship, the Fellow will be required to present a concise report on the work completed.

The tenure of the Fellowship shall be acknowledged by the Fellow in all publications which may emanate from the Fellowship.

Fellowship Application Deadline: 31 July 2012

Further Fellowship Information and Application

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