Postdoctoral Research in Interpretation of Atmospheric Spectra of Extra-Solar Planets at University of Oxford, UK | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

Postdoctoral Research in Interpretation of Atmospheric Spectra of Extra-Solar Planets at University of Oxford, UK

We invite applications for a postdoctoral research position starting on 1 July 2011 or soon thereafter, to work on the interpretation of atmospheric spectra of extra-solar planets, as part of a joint effort between the Astrophysics and AOPP (Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics) sub-departments. The project aims to adapt existing spectral inversion techniques, developed in the solar system context, to extra-solar planets. The focus of this position is to improve the spectroscopic line data for key molecules using existing laboratory facilities, to incorporate these into the NEMESIS spectral inversion package, and to work with Astrophysics observers to interpret existing and prepare future observations of exoplanet atmospheres.

The appointment is for two years, initially be based in AOPP, and moving to Astrophysics after approximately six months. The successful candidate will hold a PhD in Astrophysics, Planetary or Atmospheric Physics or a directly related field, be highly motivated and keen to engage with both data analysis and experimental work. Experience with radiative transfer and/or modelling of planetary atmospheres is highly desirable. The candidate will work closely with Dr S Aigrain (Astrophysics, observations of transiting planets), Dr N Bowles (AOPP, spectroscopy experiments) and Dr P Irwin (AOPP, NEMESIS package), but will be encouraged to interact with other faculty members working in related areas. Applications for this vacancy are to be made online. The University of Oxford is introducing a new e-Recruitment system and this vacancy is one of a small number included in the pilot of an early version of our online application form.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 1 April 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

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