Rieger Foundation Fellowship Programme in Environmental Studies, USA | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans

Rieger Foundation Fellowship Programme in Environmental Studies, USA

The Rieger Foundation-Jewish National Fund Program for Environmental Studies, published its annual announcement on graduate fellowships for 2011 to support (USD 3,000-5,000 /per year) graduate students towards advanced (mostly PhD) degrees in an Israeli institution of higher education, who have a Research Advisor (Professor or equivalent), and are devoted to environmental related studies/research.

Research Subject, Scientific and Practical Goals of the Research, and Technical Means and Approach of the Research, plus its Motivations both Scientific and Environmental, plus names and email addresses of your Research Advisor(s).
Your Submittal will be reviewed by people with scientific and engineering training so that sufficient detail is necessary, but the length is left to your discretion. Most past submittals have been 3-12 pages in length, often with figures, photographs, formulae, references, etc.If this is a Renewal Application, then only an Up-grading of previously submitted information is required, but the Foundation is anxious to see clear evidence of your Research Progress.

Scholarship Application Deadline:April 15, 2011.

Further Scholarship Information and Application

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