Biology | Scholarship for Nigerians and Africans - Part 6

2011 Graduate Program in Neuroscience and Cognition at UFABC in Brazil

The application process will occur in three phases: i) evaluation of curriculum vitae (CV), ii) interview and iii) general test and English proficiency. You do not need prior acceptance of a supervisor or to present a research project. However, we suggest that applicants come into contact with potential mentors to check on the availability of research projects in the intended areas.1st stage:The assessment consists of evaluation of academic titles, academic performance, production, work experience and (optional) letters of recommendation .2nd stage:Candidates approved in the first stage will be invited to an interview by permanent members of the program. The interview can be done in person or by teleconference, according to the choice of the candidate.

3rd stage: Candidates approved to the third stage will be invited to attend a written general exam and an English proficiency exam, both in person, at the the UFABC facilities. The general and English proficiency exams can be substituted, respectively, by the General GRE exam and the TOEFL, IELTS or equivalent. The substitution will take place only when requested by the applicant in the application form and is subject to the analysis of the application committee.
The general exam is focused on abilities such as comprehension, logical reasoning and argumentation of the candidate. It is advantageous to have pPrior knowledge in more than one of the following areas: (1) neuroscience and biology, (2) cognitive sciences and (3) mathematics (such as calculus and probability) and biostatistics. The following list of references is suggestive in relation to these subjects.

Scholarship Application Deadline:

Further Scholarship Information and Application

PhD Position ‘Annotation and Experimental Evaluation of Functional Regulatory Elements in Plant snoRNA/scaRNA Genes’, Poland: Molecular Biology or Bioinformatics

MPD International PhD program is seeking a doctoral student to undertake a project exploring the factors controlling snoRNA and scaRNA biogenesis in plants. The work plan includes two major steps: (1) In silico analysis of all available plant snoRNA and scaRNA gene promoters and (2) experimental validation of promoter elements in transgenic plants.

Academic Criteria
The successful applicant should:
– hold a Master degree in Molecular Biology or Bioinformatics;
– have some experience in laboratory work with plants and genome annotation;

Scholarship Application Deadline:28.03.2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

2011 Research Position at University of Oslo in Statistics, Norway

The Department of Mathematics is part of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The department has three sections: Mathematics, Mechanics, and Statistics and Insurance Mathematics. The position is affiliated with the Section for Statistics and Insurance Mathematics, which currently has 11 full-time academic positions, 3 adjunct positions, and 7 PhD students.

Much of the research at the Section for Statistics and Insurance Mathematics is organized in the research group for Statistics and Biostatistics. The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has appointed the group as one of the top-tier research groups at the faculty. The research of the group focuses on methodological and applied problems in statistics; in particular many research projects originate in the use of statistics in biology, medicine, and technological and economic risk assessments.

Scholarship Application Deadline:April 15, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application