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Leibniz-DAAD Research Fellowships – Announcement 2011, Germany: Section A: Humanities and Educational Research Section B: Economics, Social and Spatial Sciences Section C: Life Sciences Section D: Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Engineering Section E: Environmental Research

‘Leibniz – DAAD Research Fellowships’ is a new programme implemented by the ‘ Leibniz Association’ (Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz), and the ‘German Academic Exchange Service’ (DAAD). The fellowships offer highly-qualified recent foreign postdocs the opportunity to conduct special research at institutes of the Leibniz-Association in Germany.

The DAAD is a joint organisation of Germany’s higher education institutions and is mandated to promote international academic relations, especially through exchanges of students, academics and scientists. It is the internationalisation agency of Germany’s higher education institutions and simultaneously serves as a “mediator organisation” in the government’s foreign policy, European policy, development policy and higher education policy. With a total budget of almost 348 million euro in 2009 the DAAD run over 250 programmes which were predominately funded by Germany’s federal government.

Leibniz Association

The Leibniz Association is the umbrella organisation for 87 institutions conducting research or providing scientific infrastructure. Some 7,100 scientists and scholars work in the humanities and social sciences, economics, spatial and life sciences as well as in mathematics, the natural and engineering sciences and in environmental research. Altogether, more than 16,000 people are employed at Leibniz Institutes, which have an annual budget of 1,3 billion euro.


At the time of their application, applicants for a Leibniz-DAAD Research Fellowship should

* be able to prove their outstanding study or research achievements,
* have completed their studies with a PhD or equivalent degree (no more than two years should have passed since graduation),
* have an excellent knowledge of English.

A knowledge of German is advantageous.

:20 June 2011.

Further Scholarship Information and Application

The Norman E. Borlaug Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program (LEAP)

The Norman E. Borlaug Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program (Borlaug LEAP) is a fellowship program, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), to enhance the quality of thesis research of graduate students from developing countries who show strong promise as leaders in the field of agriculture and related disciplines as defined by Title XII. LEAP is part of the overall Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellows Program sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The Borlaug LEAP Fellowship supports engaging a mentor at a Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) system center to support and enhance the thesis research and mentoring experience. Awards are made on a competitive basis to students who show strong scientific and leadership potential, have a well coordinated proposal between their home university, a US university mentor, and the CGIAR mentor, and whose research is related to a strong research and support project within the host country. Emphasis is placed on work that has relevance to the national development of the student’s home country.

Currently there are two limited release Request for Applications (RFAs):

1. Applications are requested for sub-Saharan African students conducting research on topics related to USAID’s Feed the Future: Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative. The focus region is sub-Saharan Africa. All topics related to agriculture (as defined by Title XII) and food security are admissible.
2. Applications are requested for developing country students conducting research in partnership with CRSPs (Collaborative Research Support Programs). The focus region is global. All topics related to agriculture (as defined by Title XII) and CRSP priorities are admissible.

Scholarship Application Deadline: May 18, 2011.

Further Scholarship Information and Application

2011 CSC PhD Scholarships at Utrecht University, UK

The China Scholarship Council – Utrecht University PhD Scholarship Programme yearly offers PhD candidates from China the opportunity to start a PhD programme at Utrecht University on a 4 year scholarschip. Selection for this programme is undertaken by Utrecht University and by the China Scholarship Council, respectively. CSC deadline: 20 March and 31 May 2011. Following the 2007 agreement between the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and Utrecht University (UU) yearly a number of excellent Chinese candidates can come to Utrecht University to pursue a full PhD on a 4-year CSC scholarship of € 1200 per month. In general a PhD at Utrecht University takes 4 years. Qualified candidates from Mainland China in all disciplines conducting research at Utrecht University Partners (UUP)* are considered eligible. Applications from candidates who are not registered at one of the Utrecht University Partners are also welcome, but will not have a priority. Applications in the 15 Utrecht University Research Focus Areas, have a priority. This document contains information on the programme procedure. Attached to this document is an application format which can be used by the applicant to contact a Utrecht University or by a prospective Utrecht University supervisor to contact a candidate and to prepare for the CSC application. The attached application format is not the official CSC application form but will help the candidate and prospective Utrecht University supervisor to exchange necessary information before applying to CSC. Kindly check the CSC website on how to apply to CSC for this programme.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 20 March and 31 May 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application